Hi, I’m Katie.


I’m a writer, mother, teacher, and mental health advocate living in Atlanta. I write about the ups and downs of life—on topics like grief and joy, burnout and productivity, pain and love. I have a weekly newsletter called My Sweet Dumb Brain, organize a free mentoring service for journalists, and do lots of projects in between.

Have a story idea? Want to collaborate on a project? Let’s talk!


My Sweet Dumb Brain

A newsletter about facing life’s ups and downs, all while being kind to yourself.

Treat Your Future SelfA workbook designed to help you identify the self-care that works best for you.

Treat Your Future Self

A workbook designed to help you identify the self-care that works best for you.

Digital Women LeadersA one-on-one mentoring service that connects women working in journalism.

Digital Women Leaders

A one-on-one mentoring service that connects women working in journalism.


As a freelancer, I work with many different companies. Here are some of the hats I currently wear:

Published Work

‘Mommy brain’ is real | July 14, 2021, The New York Times

“I’ve been playing a not-so-fun guessing game lately: Is my inability to form a coherent thought a result of pandemic fogginess or ‘mommy brain’?”

Work can wait. Your mental health can’t. How to make the most of a break | June 10, 2021, CNN

“If we don't take care of ourselves, we can't take care of other things — including our jobs.”

You might be experiencing what psychologists call 'the anniversary effect' | March 13, 2021, CNN

“Whereas many grief anniversaries are something we suffer through solo, the pandemic is an event we're experiencing simultaneously.”

Social distancing can't mean staying disconnected | March 14, 2020, CNN

“There are plenty of scary unknowns about this pandemic. I worry about the social effects.”

When grief and work mix, there are no easy answers | Jan. 26, 2020, Fortune

“Just as there’s not one right way to grieve, there are multiple ways to approach returning to work after the death of a loved one.”

I’ve got your back | October/November 2019, Garden and Gun

“Henry has already taught me so much. Now he’s showing me what it’s like to watch someone I love get older and less capable.”

Why my friends and I will never finish the AT | Oct. 29, 2019, Outside

“At our current pace—two days and less than 20 miles every year— it would take us 134 years to complete the Appalachian Trail.”

My dream of motherhood was eclipsed by widowhood | Oct. 17, 2019, The New York Times

“I fully expected that 2017 would be the year I became a mother, not a widow.”

My husband died. Four months later, I started dating again | July 11, 2019, Glamour

“It’s all part of the agreement we make when we fall in love. People grieve deeply because they love deeply.”



I am a seasoned presenter, and have given dozens of talks on topics like time management, empathetic leadership, fun at work, and more. Here are a few examples: